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Most Common Flow Meter Problems & How to Solve Them

Sep 01, 2023
Maryadine Washington, Mar-Com Manager
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Maryadine Washington, Mar-Com Manager

Engineers, process managers, and technicians rely on flow meters to deliver the precise, real-time data they need to handle, transfer, and store fluids safely and efficiently in applications from oil and gas production to precision manufacturing — and even healthcare. Modern flow sensors from leading industry suppliers deliver high levels of accuracy, reliability, and durability […]

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Stay On Top of Methane Metering and Emissions Regulations

May 19, 2022
Scott Rouse, Product Line Director
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Scott Rouse, Product Line Director

As climate concerns continue to dominate the national (and global) conversation, tightening state and federal regulations on methane emissions can pose challenges to new and existing oil and gas producers. While many may be familiar with New Source Performance Standards (NSPS), which regulate emissions at new wells, it’s important to know the EPA is moving […]

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Understanding Flow Measurement for Emissions Monitoring

Nov 16, 2021
Scott Rouse, Product Line Director
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Scott Rouse, Product Line Director

Take Charge of Your Boiler Efficiency & Avoid Steep EPA Emissions Fines Sounds like an impossible task, but it’s not. Emissions monitoring is a hot topic for plant and facility managers due to the elevating importance of three factors: Global climate-change mitigation efforts Increasing governmental regulations Social pressures Due to this, there is also a […]

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Five Ways QuadraTherm Flow Meter Technology Makes You And Your Process Smarter

Oct 19, 2021
Maryadine Washington, Mar-Com Manager
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Maryadine Washington, Mar-Com Manager

For engineers and facility managers looking at their production operations to improve process efficiency, reduce costs, and find ways to meet sustainability and environmental governance regulations, selecting the right thermal mass flow meter with accurate flow measurement is critical.  Utilizing a flow meter that lacks the capabilities to accurately measure your gas flow in your […]

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Avoid Common Flow Meter Installation Mistakes to Optimize Flow Meter Performance

Oct 21, 2020
Scott Rouse, Product Line Director
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Scott Rouse, Product Line Director

In our last blog, we discussed how plant and operation managers are searching for ways to manage the flow energy in their facility to cut costs and increase their process efficiency. After the purchase decision is made, correct installation and calibration are the next steps to maintaining the equipment over the lifetime of the product […]

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How to Choose the Perfect Flow Meter to Reduce Flow Energy Costs in Your Facility

Sep 28, 2020
Erica Giannini, Marketing Manager
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Erica Giannini, Marketing Manager

                    It’s almost October and Fall is in the air. 2020 has turned out to be a tumultuous year and things seem to only be heating up. COVID-19 continues to be a daily factor in our lives, civil unrest is abundant, and the US economy remains […]

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3 Tips for Avoiding Costly Mistakes in Water Measurement

Mar 11, 2019
Scott Rouse, Product Line Director
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Scott Rouse, Product Line Director

Whether you are running a large municipal water facility or one of the over 37,000 rural water utilities in the United States, water usage rates and costs drive your decisions. For any water system, it’s critical to answer key questions like: What’s your water usage and/or production? How much water are you distributing or allocating? […]

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Steam Flow Energy Measurement

Dec 21, 2018
Scott Rouse, Product Line Director
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Scott Rouse, Product Line Director

From facilities management to district heating applications, accurate steam flow energy measurement is a critical flow measurement needed to incur substantial savings on energy and maintenance costs. However,  steam flow energy measurement is also the most difficult flow measurement to make due to the unknown factors of what type of steam is being produced, various […]

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Bringing Energy Efficiency and Cost Savings to Veteran’s Facilities

Nov 19, 2018
Scott Rouse, Product Line Director
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Scott Rouse, Product Line Director

As the infrastructure of our Veterans Affairs (VA) facilities age and government-driven energy efficiency mandates rise, VA facilities’ engineers are faced with a decision to upgrade existing equipment or replace older equipment in order to improve energy efficiency. Dealing with the upgrade or replace decision is a big one. Replacing older equipment is costly, but in the […]

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Tune Your Boiler: Watch Video for 3 Tips to Improve Energy Efficiency

Oct 30, 2018
Erica Giannini, Marketing Manager
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Erica Giannini, Marketing Manager

Improving energy efficiency in facilities, campuses and hospitals is top of mind for most facilities managers and engineers.  Government regulations like Boiler MACT and other energy efficiency mandates for government buildings like VA hospitals have put the pressure on facilities engineers to take a hard look at their equipment to optimize for energy efficiency.  Optimizing energy efficiency comes in the form of both […]

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The Perfect Biogas Flow Measurement Solution | Sierra Instruments

Oct 02, 2018
Scott Rouse, Product Line Director
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Scott Rouse, Product Line Director

Solving the Biogas Flow Measurement Conundrum In recent years, concern about climate change has increased interest in alternative energy sources, specifically in biogas energy. Biogas energy can be extracted from landfills. Digester gas produced at wastewater treatment plants is another common form of biogas. So why is it so popular? In a word, economy. This […]

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Tame Your Energy Hog with Accurate Compressed Air Measurement

Sep 10, 2018
Scott Rouse, Product Line Director
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Scott Rouse, Product Line Director

How do you tame the compressed air energy hog in your facility? As most facilities managers can attest to, the electricity used to produce compressed air can be one of the most expensive energy costs in your facility. Questions arise such as: How can I verify my compressed air capacity? How do I balance distribution and allocation […]

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ACHEMA 2018: An Eye On the Future

Jul 03, 2018
Maryadine Washington, Mar-Com Manager
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Maryadine Washington, Mar-Com Manager

The spirit of ACHEMA 2018 can be summed up in three words: reimagine, capitalize, and prepare for the future. ACHEMA was all about seizing the potential opportunities that Industry 4.0  or IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things) can bring to the chemical and process industries. Industry 4.0 is the current trend of automation and data exchange in […]

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Flow Energy Management Part 3: Three Successful Flow Energy Management Case Studies

Jun 11, 2018
Scott Rouse, Product Line Director
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Scott Rouse, Product Line Director

As we’ve discovered in Part 1 and Part 2 of this Flow Energy Management series, determining the best flow meter technology for flow energy management of gas, liquid and steam applications depends on specific measurement goals, fluid, flow rate, turndown requirements, fluid temperature, and flow pressure. In part 3 of this series, let’s consider three […]

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Part 2-Flow Energy Management Applications-Installation Tips & Tricks

May 03, 2018
Scott Rouse, Product Line Director
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Scott Rouse, Product Line Director

In part 1 of our Flow Energy Management series, we identified the 3 Killer Flow Energy Management Applications that will reduce energy costs: compressed air & natural gas measurement, steam production, distribution, and allocation, and water/BTU measurement. And we identified the best flow meters for each of these applications: thermal mass flow meters for gas, vortex […]

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Flow Energy Management: 3 Killer Apps To Lower Energy Costs

Apr 09, 2018
Scott Rouse, Product Line Director
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Scott Rouse, Product Line Director

More and more, buzz words like “flow energy” or “flow energy management” have become prevalent as companies grapple to control costs, reduce energy use, and comply with government regulations—all while trying to increase profitability. But what are flow energy and flow energy management? Why should you care? In this three-part series, we will: Explore what […]

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Sierra’s Top Flow Blogs of 2017

Jan 05, 2018
Matthew Olin, President
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Matthew Olin, President

Another year has come and gone, and it certainly was a big one for Sierra and our customers! Let’s look back at the news and top content that we shared with you in 2017. Most Popular Blog Posts from 2017 We love sharing our news and providing useful flow meter information with you through our Let’s Talk […]

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Striving For Perfection: Flow Energy Partnership Improves Geothermal Energy Production

Dec 18, 2017
Scott Rouse, Product Line Director
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Scott Rouse, Product Line Director

Since the early twentieth century, geothermal energy has been used to produce electricity. In the 1980’s and 90’s, rapid expansion in the demand for geothermal energy put pressure on suppliers to reduce costs and increase efficiencies. Now geothermal energy production is becoming a common practice around the globe. One of the largest energy companies in […]

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How Does a Flow Meter Work?

Oct 09, 2017
Scott Rouse, Product Line Director
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Scott Rouse, Product Line Director

A flow meter works by measuring the amount of a gas, liquid or steam that passes through or around the flow meter sensors. While flow meter sensors work in many different ways, the end goal is the same: Deliver the most accurate and repeatable flow measurements for the specific application, whether for general research, process […]

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Preventable Mistakes with Vortex Flow Meters

Sep 22, 2017
Scott Rouse, Product Line Director
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Scott Rouse, Product Line Director

Vortex flow meter technology is an ideal technology for many applications particularly saturated and supersaturated steam, volumetric water applications as well as flow energy management (natural gas, compressed air, steam, water) in facilities and large campuses. In some of these applications, vortex installations can be tricky and take flow expertise for the most successful installations. Kam Bansal, […]

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Now Measure All Flow Energy In Your Facility — One Solution — Three Metering Technologies

Jul 01, 2017
Matthew Olin, President
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Matthew Olin, President

Facilities managers at large facilities often have the challenging task of managing all the flow energy in their facility with the mandate from upper management to save money on energy costs. To accomplish this goal, it’s critical to get accurate flow measurement data of the flow energy in your facility such as: natural gas, compressed air, steam, chilled […]

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