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The Challenges of Measuring Flare Gas

Apr 11, 2023
Scott Rouse, Product Line Director
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Scott Rouse, Product Line Director

The associated gas generated from oil production has received a lot of attention recently. In many areas, the lack of gas collection infrastructure requires this gas to be flared off. Many jurisdictions now require flare gas monitoring in order to reduce emissions and to allocate taxes, fines, and other fees. Choosing the best tools for […]

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Stay On Top of Methane Metering and Emissions Regulations

May 19, 2022
Scott Rouse, Product Line Director
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Scott Rouse, Product Line Director

As climate concerns continue to dominate the national (and global) conversation, tightening state and federal regulations on methane emissions can pose challenges to new and existing oil and gas producers. While many may be familiar with New Source Performance Standards (NSPS), which regulate emissions at new wells, it’s important to know the EPA is moving […]

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Understanding Flow Measurement for Emissions Monitoring

Nov 16, 2021
Scott Rouse, Product Line Director
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Scott Rouse, Product Line Director

Take Charge of Your Boiler Efficiency & Avoid Steep EPA Emissions Fines Sounds like an impossible task, but it’s not. Emissions monitoring is a hot topic for plant and facility managers due to the elevating importance of three factors: Global climate-change mitigation efforts Increasing governmental regulations Social pressures Due to this, there is also a […]

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Five Ways QuadraTherm Flow Meter Technology Makes You And Your Process Smarter

Oct 19, 2021
Maryadine Washington, Mar-Com Manager
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Maryadine Washington, Mar-Com Manager

For engineers and facility managers looking at their production operations to improve process efficiency, reduce costs, and find ways to meet sustainability and environmental governance regulations, selecting the right thermal mass flow meter with accurate flow measurement is critical.  Utilizing a flow meter that lacks the capabilities to accurately measure your gas flow in your […]

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Meet EPA Regulations Head-On with the qMix RealTime Flare Measurement System

May 27, 2021
Maryadine Washington, Mar-Com Manager
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Maryadine Washington, Mar-Com Manager

We are excited to share our latest video, qMix RealTime Flare Measurement System-How it Works, especially if tightening EPA regulations are on your mind. Last month, the U.S. Senate voted to overturn relaxed requirements for methane emissions, and the U.S. government has begun to strongly enforce previously approved rules. So accurate flare gas measurement is […]

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DrySense Sensor Technology Is the Key to Thermal Flow Meter Accuracy

Feb 26, 2021
Scott Rouse, Product Line Director
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Scott Rouse, Product Line Director

Why Are Dry Sensors Critical for Flowmeter Lifetime Sensor Warranty, Accuracy, and In-Situ Validation? When it comes to flow meters, what matters to plant managers and engineers alike is if their meter is measuring flow accurately and reliably. They want to know they can depend on the data their meter is providing. However, the answer […]

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Introducing a Game Changing Flare Measurement Technology

Jun 19, 2020
Scott Rouse, Product Line Director
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Scott Rouse, Product Line Director

Meet EPA’s Refinery Regulations with our New Game-Changing qMix RealTime Flare Measurement System (FMS) A refinery at full capacity produces far more gas than it needs. It is not economical to capture it, clean it, compress it, store it, and finally transport it, so it’s flared off. Stringent federal, state, and local laws govern the […]

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Bringing Energy Efficiency and Cost Savings to Veteran’s Facilities

Nov 19, 2018
Scott Rouse, Product Line Director
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Scott Rouse, Product Line Director

As the infrastructure of our Veterans Affairs (VA) facilities age and government-driven energy efficiency mandates rise, VA facilities’ engineers are faced with a decision to upgrade existing equipment or replace older equipment in order to improve energy efficiency. Dealing with the upgrade or replace decision is a big one. Replacing older equipment is costly, but in the […]

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Tune Your Boiler: Watch Video for 3 Tips to Improve Energy Efficiency

Oct 30, 2018
Erica Giannini, Marketing Manager
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Erica Giannini, Marketing Manager

Improving energy efficiency in facilities, campuses and hospitals is top of mind for most facilities managers and engineers.  Government regulations like Boiler MACT and other energy efficiency mandates for government buildings like VA hospitals have put the pressure on facilities engineers to take a hard look at their equipment to optimize for energy efficiency.  Optimizing energy efficiency comes in the form of both […]

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ACHEMA 2018: An Eye On the Future

Jul 03, 2018
Maryadine Washington, Mar-Com Manager
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Maryadine Washington, Mar-Com Manager

The spirit of ACHEMA 2018 can be summed up in three words: reimagine, capitalize, and prepare for the future. ACHEMA was all about seizing the potential opportunities that Industry 4.0  or IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things) can bring to the chemical and process industries. Industry 4.0 is the current trend of automation and data exchange in […]

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Flow Energy Management: 3 Killer Apps To Lower Energy Costs

Apr 09, 2018
Scott Rouse, Product Line Director
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Scott Rouse, Product Line Director

More and more, buzz words like “flow energy” or “flow energy management” have become prevalent as companies grapple to control costs, reduce energy use, and comply with government regulations—all while trying to increase profitability. But what are flow energy and flow energy management? Why should you care? In this three-part series, we will: Explore what […]

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Understanding the iSeries Totalizer for Gas Mass Flow Rate

Jan 23, 2018
Kam Bansal, Dir. of Engineering
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Kam Bansal, Dir. of Engineering

Do you have questions about the iSeries flow meter Totalizer App that comes standard with every QuadraTherm 640i/780i Thermal Mass Flow Meter or want to learn more about gas mass flow rate? We get many support questions regarding the app, generally covering the same few points, so let’s spend a few minutes and discuss how to use and understand […]

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Sierra’s Top Flow Blogs of 2017

Jan 05, 2018
Matthew Olin, President
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Matthew Olin, President

Another year has come and gone, and it certainly was a big one for Sierra and our customers! Let’s look back at the news and top content that we shared with you in 2017. Most Popular Blog Posts from 2017 We love sharing our news and providing useful flow meter information with you through our Let’s Talk […]

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Overcoming Natural Gas Sampling Challenges in Oil & Gas Applications

Mar 03, 2017
Erica Giannini, Marketing Manager
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Erica Giannini, Marketing Manager

It is a fact that in order to comply with various government rules and regulations, oil and gas companies have to continually take natural gas samples to prove the gas composition and amount of gas flowing in their oil fields. The challenge comes in trying to actually take an adequate gas sample representative of the […]

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Sierra’s Biggest Stories from 2016

Jan 09, 2017
Erica Giannini, Marketing Manager
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Erica Giannini, Marketing Manager

2017 is here and this year will bring many new exciting developments at Sierra, but before launching completely into the new year, let’s take a look back at our top stories of 2016. New at Sierra in 2016 We’re always looking for new ways to communicate and interact with our customers and industry. Find out about three […]

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Flare Gas Measurement Innovation: Retain Flow Metering Accuracy Even if Gas Composition Changes

Dec 12, 2016
Matthew Olin, President
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Matthew Olin, President

It’s a fact oil wells almost always produce natural gas along with the petroleum. Nine times out of ten, the excess gas (typically hydrocarbons) is flared off or simply vented as-is during upset conditions in the process. The environmental impacts of “flaring” this excess gas into our atmosphere has resulted in government regulations like 40 CFR […]

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Tuning Your Boiler for EPA Boiler MACT Compliance

May 12, 2016
Matthew Olin, President
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Matthew Olin, President

The EPA’s Boiler MACT (Maximum Achievable Control Technology) regulations are heating up. Boiler MACT is an EPA rule to limit hazardous air pollutants (HAP) from commercial and industrial boilers and process heaters. Originally published in 2011 as a mandate driven by the Clean Air Act,  the rules are Area Source Boiler MACT 40 CFR 63, subpart JJJJJJ for smaller […]

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How to Reduce Methane Emissions with Thermal Mass Flow Meters

Feb 11, 2016
Maryadine Washington, Mar-Com Manager
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Maryadine Washington, Mar-Com Manager

The flare gas discussion is heating up again. According to the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), U.S. oil production is at an all-time high, and so are the harmful methane emissions from leaks, flaring and venting. U.S. Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell has proposed to update 30-year-old regulations in order to reduce the excess release of natural […]

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Thermal Mass Flow Meters Offer Oil & Gas Companies Lowest Cost of Ownership

Aug 28, 2015
Maryadine Washington, Mar-Com Manager
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Maryadine Washington, Mar-Com Manager

The Wall Street Journal recently reported that oil prices have hit a rock bottom $40 a barrel, the lowest since 2009. How does this affect the oil companies? Well, the consumer gets the benefit of the low pump price which does loosen discretionary spending, but the oil & gas companies are hurting-spending less money on capital investment […]

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Field-Adjust For Gas Composition Changes, Retain Accuracy, Save Time and Money

Jun 05, 2015
Scott Rouse, Product Line Director
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Scott Rouse, Product Line Director

When gas composition changes, typical thermal meters must be sent back to the factory to be re-calibrated in order to maintain required accuracy levels.  All of this is a costly, time-consuming endeavor. Imagine the time and money you can save by not having to send your meter back to the factory for calibration every time […]

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If gas composition changes, field-adjust to maintain flow meter accuracy?

Apr 13, 2015
Scott Rouse, Product Line Director
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Scott Rouse, Product Line Director

Changes in gas composition cut into productivity in the field, exactly when you need accuracy in flow meter measurement the most. But what if you could retain that precision, even when those changes occur? Now you can do just that with qMix Software.  If your gas composition changes over time, you can now quickly field-adjust the QuadraTherm […]

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Methods & Pitfalls of In-Situ Calibration Validation of Thermal Flowmeters

Oct 07, 2014
Matthew Olin, President
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Matthew Olin, President

Driven by the need to meet quality standards like ISO 9001, reliability engineers for mid-to-large-sized facilities and campuses know the time consuming reality of assuring their flow meters are properly maintained and “in cal”. A unique and highly marketed benefit of Thermal Mass Flow Meter technology is “in-situ” or “in place” flow meter calibration.  This certainly sounds like […]

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The Truth About In-Situ Calibration Validation of Thermal Flowmeters

Sep 10, 2014
Scott Rouse, Product Line Director
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Scott Rouse, Product Line Director

In-situ calibration validation is one of the great benefits of thermal mass flow technology. This video reviews in-situ calibration validation and details how thermal sensor stability is the only way a calibration validation is actually valid! Get the truth about in-situ calibration so you can make informed decisions. Watch the video now! For a more detailed […]

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The Secret to Slashing Your Facility’s Natural Gas Bills

Aug 26, 2014
Erica Giannini, Marketing Manager
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Erica Giannini, Marketing Manager

Psst. We’ve got a secret. One that could save you money. How much, you ask? Thousands. That’s right. You could be saving thousands on your facility’s natural gas bill. Traditional diaphragm flow meters used for natural gas measurement can’t account for changes in gas composition, resulting in a utility bill that can be less than […]

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NEW Video Animation: How Do Thermal Mass Flowmeters Work?

Mar 24, 2014
Erica Giannini, Marketing Manager
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Erica Giannini, Marketing Manager

As if your were actor Dennis Quaid in the popular 1987 movie Innerspace, journey inside the pipe to learn the operational principle of thermal mass flow technology and see, from a molecules perspective, why thermal flow meters have become extremely popular due to high accuracy, no moving parts, negligible pressure drop, sensitive direct mass flow measurement with high […]

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Part 3: Accurately Measuring Flare Gas — Managing Gas Mix Changes, Retaining Accuracy, Reducing Cost of Ownership

Mar 17, 2014
Matthew Olin, President
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Matthew Olin, President

In my last post, I compared the pros and cons of the various flow meters available for measurement of flare gas. Ultimately, all but one has limitations that will impede your ability to accurately measure excess burn off from the hydraulic fracturing process. In this week’s post, I’ll share a new generation thermal mass flow […]

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Part 2: Accurately Measuring Flare Gas — Innovations Promise More Economical Choices

Mar 03, 2014
Matthew Olin, President
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Matthew Olin, President

In my last post on flare gas flow measurement, I shared how the rise in hydraulic fracturing has led to more stringent state and national mandates to regulate the measurement of waste and excess gases that are produced as a result of this process. If you’re affiliated with an oil or gas company, you know […]

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Part 1: Accurately Measuring Flare Gas — Challenges, Solutions, and Opportunities

Feb 25, 2014
Matthew Olin, President
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Matthew Olin, President

If your company is involved with hydraulic fracturing to increase oil and gas production, you’re familiar with the fact that state and national regulations are becoming increasingly stringent. In particular, flare gas now requires the installation of mass flow measurement instruments to measure waste and excess gases burned off as a result of the hydraulic […]

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Chemical Engineering Magazine Article By Sierra’s Founder

Feb 10, 2014
Maryadine Washington, Mar-Com Manager
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Maryadine Washington, Mar-Com Manager

Sierra’s Founder, Dr. John G. Olin, looks at the Principles of Operation, Installation, Calibration and Best Applications for Thermal Mass Flow Meters… Read the full article in Chemical Engineering Magazine.

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Talking Biogas Production In Europe

Feb 03, 2014
Scott Rouse, Product Line Director
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Scott Rouse, Product Line Director

Europe is quickly becoming a hotspot for the biogas industry, and Sierra and our local French distributor Alto Instruments took advantage of that fact by exhibiting at BiogazEurope in France. Attendees learned about the entire biomass process, from the bio side of things (mass) to the energy side (electricity). Some trending applications featured at the […]

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Innovation @ Sierra

Dec 16, 2013
Erica Giannini, Marketing Manager
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Erica Giannini, Marketing Manager

We recently had the honor of hosting Flow Control Magazine Publisher Mike Christian, who made the trip to Sierra headquarters in Monterey, Calif., to present our 10th Flow Control Innovation Award in person. Pictured right is me, Mike and our President, Matthew Olin holding the crystal award.  We are standing in the lobby of corporate […]

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In Search of the Perfect Sensor: Thermal Flow Meter History & Trends

Dec 09, 2013
Maryadine Washington, Mar-Com Manager
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Maryadine Washington, Mar-Com Manager

What do you do when you have an entrepreneurial bent and a revolutionary idea for flow meter advancement? You start your own company, of course. That’s exactly what our founder, John G. Olin, Ph.D., did in 1973 when he founded Sierra Instruments in Minnesota subsequently moving it west to California. It’s that entrepreneurial spirit, as well […]

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Part 2: Challenges with Submetering Natural Gas

Nov 11, 2013
Scott Rouse, Product Line Director
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Scott Rouse, Product Line Director

I previously shared a post on how mid-to-large size facilities can save money by taking the initiative to submeter natural gas usage, titled Part 1: Challenges with Submetering Natural Gas. The traditional diaphragm meters used by utility companies rely on fixed compensation variables that can lead to inaccuracies and overcharging. While this can affect residential customers, it […]

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Part 1: Challenges with Submetering Natural Gas

Oct 28, 2013
Scott Rouse, Product Line Director
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Scott Rouse, Product Line Director

In an article for Gases & Instrumentation magazine, I explored energy management as it relates to the natural gas industry. Natural gas exists in abundance in this country, with production expected to increase 44 percent by 2040. With such unprecedented growth in production of this natural resource, utility companies must focus on providing the most accurate gas […]

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Part 2: Emerging Trends of Thermal Flow Meters

Oct 21, 2013
Jesse Yoder
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Jesse Yoder

Last week in the first part of my guest post, I shared some of the reasons why the Coriolis flow meter has cornered such a large part of the flowmeter measurement market. Accuracy is the main reason why this type of flowmeter has been so commonly used in industrial applications up to this point. But […]

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Totalize Multiple Gases Independently: Watch Video!

Sep 26, 2013
Maryadine Washington, Mar-Com Manager
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Maryadine Washington, Mar-Com Manager

The need to measure, totalize, and monetize gas flow is not going away. In fact, the requirement to accurately totalize and monetize gas is becoming even more critical with our boom in natural gas and other industrial processes. Almost all mass flow meter companies have the ability to totalize one gas being measured. This is pretty standard […]

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Break from the Shackles-Mid-to-Large Size Facilities Verify Utility Company Billing

Sep 20, 2013
Erica Giannini, Marketing Manager
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Erica Giannini, Marketing Manager

As we have all been hearing in the news, natural gas is becoming a very valuable and abundant natural resource. Almost all of this increase is due to the projected growth in shale gas production which will grow to 16.7 trillion cubic feet in 2040. Now comes the big question: how are utility companies going […]

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Part 3: Biogas Flow Meter Measurement-The Solution

Sep 16, 2013
Scott Rouse, Product Line Director
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Scott Rouse, Product Line Director

In recent weeks, I’ve shared some exciting advancements in the biogas industry in regards to renewable energy management. From harnessing biogas energy from landfills to the digester gas produced at wastewater treatment plants, one thing is paramount: Adjusting for changing gas composition is critical to obtaining accurate flow meter measurement for optimal biogas energy collection.  […]

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Part 2: Biogas Mass Flow Measurement–The Challenge

Sep 05, 2013
Scott Rouse, Product Line Director
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Scott Rouse, Product Line Director

In my previous posts, I shared the focus on the growing need for renewable energy sources in the United States, with biogas becoming a hot commodity. Common sources include harnessing biogas from landfills, as well as digester gas produced at wastewater treatment plants.  One of the major flow measurement challenges in biogas applications is the fact […]

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For Improved Accuracy in Industrial Applications: Clean & Test Your Mass Air Flow Sensor

Jul 10, 2013
Maryadine Washington, Mar-Com Manager
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Maryadine Washington, Mar-Com Manager

In today’s dirty heavy industrial applications, engineers and operators are often faced with an inherent challenge which affects mass flow accuracy: How do I know if the sensor of my mass flow meter is clean? and How do I clean the sensor without shutting down the system? Because accurate mass flow readings are often critical for running an efficient […]

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Article Highlights Advancements in Flow Meter Accuracy

Mar 26, 2013
Maryadine Washington, Mar-Com Manager
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Maryadine Washington, Mar-Com Manager

Thanks Flow Control magazine for the great coverage and helping to spread the word to our customers about new technology to improve flow measurement accuracy, which always improves plant efficiency and saves customers money in the long run. John G. Olin, PhD, founder of Sierra Instruments and inventor of a number of flow industry firsts, […]

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Part 3: Cold Weather and Mass Air Flow Meter Gas Temperature (Gas Properties)

Mar 07, 2013
Scott Rouse, Product Line Director
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Scott Rouse, Product Line Director

In Parts One and Two of this series, we looked at the effects of ambient temperature on mass air flow meters such as Sierra’s FastFlo™ 620S and our new QuadraTherm™ Model 640i. As discussed, cold weather has few physical effects on an air flow meter, but can degrade accuracy due to stem conduction, unless accounted for, […]

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Part 2: Cold Weather and Mass Air Flow Meter Accuracy (Stem Conduction)

Mar 01, 2013
Scott Rouse, Product Line Director
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Scott Rouse, Product Line Director

In Part One, we looked at the effects of cold weather on mass air flow meters like Sierra’s Steel-Mass® Model 640S and our new QuadraTherm™ Model 640i. As discussed, cold weather typically doesn’t cause any physical damage to the flow meter, but it can affect the meter accuracy. Let’s look at how. Flowmeters That Are […]

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Cold Weather and Your Mass Flow Sensor

Feb 22, 2013
Scott Rouse, Product Line Director
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Scott Rouse, Product Line Director

Baby It’s Cold Outside Sierra is a global company, so we sell our mass air flow sensors into some pretty extreme cold weather environments.   Indeed, we are seeing more and more applications in the far North, where immersible thermal flow meters like Sierra’s Steel-Mass® Model 640S and our new QuadraTherm™ Model 640i are used in […]

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Flare Gas Metering Solutions

Feb 04, 2013
Scott Rouse, Product Line Director
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Scott Rouse, Product Line Director

Waste gases must be flared in numerous industries ranging from oil refineries and well drilling operations (like shale gas fracking) to wastewater treatment plants and landfills. Due to government regulations, flares are subject to stringent regulations requiring accurate measurement. Requirements to monitor the flow rate and consumption of flare gas involves measurement at points within a […]

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QuadraTherm Flowmeter Puts New Spin on Fiberglass [Case Study]

Dec 04, 2012
Scott Rouse, Product Line Director
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Scott Rouse, Product Line Director

What a waste! That’s what I thought when I learned how much material is rejected and how much gas is consumed during the fiberglass insulation manufacturing process. The biggest losses occur during the melting, spinning and subsequent cooling of silica, a key ingredient in fiberglass. For those who work in this industry, it’s a never-ending […]

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New QuadraTherm Flow Meter: iTherm Expanding Gas Library

Nov 27, 2012
Matthew Olin, President
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Matthew Olin, President

The iTherm gas library stores proprietary gas packets, which are  analogous to the DNA of a specific gas. It stores all the parameters needed to instantly calculate the thermodynamic and transport properties of every gas or gas mixture versus temperature and pressure. Currently, the library has mapped 18 gases and mixtures, and it continues to grow […]

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New QuadaTherm Flow Sensor: with iTherm, It Learns!

Nov 20, 2012
Matthew Olin, President
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Matthew Olin, President

With iTherm, It Learns… QuadraTherm’s four-sensor technology provides the critical inputs for iTherm’s living, learning algorithm set and gas library to accurately manage changes in gas and pipe selection, gas temperature, gas pressure, and outside temperature. Our revolutionary thermal mass flow meter with iTherm solves the First Law of Thermodynamics (for Thermal Dispersion Technology) in a fraction […]

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New QuadraTherm Thermal Flow Sensor Makes It Possible!

Nov 13, 2012
Matthew Olin, President
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Matthew Olin, President

Patented QuadraTherm’s Four-Sensor Design A major thermal sensor breakthrough for Sierra occurred with QuadraTherm, as two new temperature sensors (T2 and T4—see figure below) were added to the existing two-sensor design (T3 temperature & T1 DrySense velocity) used in previous flowmeter models. The two additional sensors perform real-time correction for the heat lost to the outside environment due […]

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New QuadraTherm 640i / 780i: Accuracy Never Before Possible!

Nov 08, 2012
Matthew Olin, President
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Matthew Olin, President

Innovative QuadraTherm Four-Sensor Design Traditional thermal sensors have two sensors—one temperature sensor and one velocity sensor, each in a separate probe sheath. QuadraTherm (the term “Quad” meaning “four”) introduces four sensors—three precision platinum temperature sensors and one patented DrySense mass velocity sensor. Performance improvements never before possible are gained as the QuadraTherm Technology isolates forced […]

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New QuadraTherm 640i / 780i: Introducing The World’s Most Accurate Thermal Mass Flow Meters

Nov 06, 2012
Matthew Olin, President
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Matthew Olin, President

From Sierra’s beginning over forty years ago, we have been driven by the vision of supplying industrial customers with the world’s most accurate thermal mass flow meter. And, we knew it was a “sensor” game. The development of an industrialized metal-sheathed sensor in the early 80s was Sierra’s first big step, but we didn’t stop there.   Many successful innovations […]

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