With qTherm, it Learns
qTherm is the “brain” of the instrument and a revolutionary living, learning algorithm set made possible only by today’s latest hyper-fast microprocessors and QuadraTherm sensor inputs.
qTherm manages changes in gas selection, temperature and pressure, and outside temperature via a comprehensive heat transfer model using only pertinent variables which instantly calculate precise, stable and very accurate mass flow measurement.
qTherm is the engine behind the flow meter’s capability to change gases (Dial-A-Gas) and pipe sizes (Dial-A-Pipe) in the field, while also allowing gas updates to the instrument via the internet which connects to update gases in our proprietary qTherm Gas Database.
Perfect Thermal Sensor
Perfect Thermal Sensor
Dr. Olin tells his innovation story and how perfecting the immersible thermal sensor has been his life's work. (Recorded June 2012)
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QuadraTherm Sensor Conquering the Problems
QuadraTherm Sensor Conquering the Problems
Dr. Olin explains how all the problems that existed with Thermal Technology have been solved with the QuadraTherm sensor. (Recorded June 2012)
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Relationship Between QuadraTherm & Outside Temperature
Relationship Between QuadraTherm & Outside Temperature
Dr. Olin explains how the QuadraTherm sensor works together with qTherm to manage for changes in T, P, gas and outside temperature effects. (Recorded June 2012)
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qTherm-Living, Learning Math
qTherm-Living, Learning Math
Dr.Olin explains how the gas library gets better over time through math factors from the qTherm algorithm set. (Recorded June 2012)
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