Learn about how compressed air is measured and how those thermal mass flowmeters can help you save.
Compressed Air Energy Savings
Thermal Mass Flowmeters Find Wasted Cash
In this era of rising energy costs and global competitiveness, compressed air waste in facilities can be a major financial drain to the bottom line. Air may be free, but compressed air certainly isn’t. According to Cary Carlisle, an expert compressed air auditor and seasoned technician from Air Compressor Supply, Inc. (ACS), over a 10-year period, electricity costs make up 76 percent of a factory’s operating costs. In many cases, the electricity used by a compressed air system in a factory makes up the largest percentage of an increasingly expensive electricity bill. Monitoring compressed air usage, identifying compressed air waste and inefficiencies, and making investments in new compressed air flow meter equipment are tangible ways that businesses can cut their operating costs by lowering their electricity bill.
Learn about how compressed air is measured and how those thermal mass flowmeters can help you save.
Learn about how compressed air is measured and how those thermal mass flowmeters can help you save.
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FastFlo 620S Mass Flow Meter